Patenschaften für Künstler
haben übernommen:

bietschhorn 1
mydomi 2
mobiliar 2
moerth pfavo

kamintech 1
ae 1

ivan 1

zengaffinen 1

haben übernommen:

danke 1
winsun 1

ginals 1




Unterbäch/Wallis  Gemeinsam wollen wir die Kräfte der Frauen bündeln und miteinander vom Rütli der Schweizer Frau aus einsetzen und entfalten zum Wohle der Frauen


avesco 1

schnydrig bau



Coo Hoang Tran

Materials  Sculpture and carries with it the characteristics of different cultural areas that are sheltered. The flame of creation has spawned a multitude of flavors, from simple flower essences and herbs, I was able to rise same creator, even orgies of heaven and earth to Maelstrom the four seasons: spring, summer, autumn and winter.

 Every day I spends working in my little village, shapes and reflections colorful nature, blades of grass, flowers and leaves, are a source of inspiration for me. Fragments of materials,reassembled them in a proper arrangement inherent in the work itself, this is close to nature, just as the place
 I was born and where I grew up, the stones, that of the surrounding greenery, and the rays of light that pierce the Stone holes created by these associations of different ideas, the scents of nature expressed through every grain of material. I am silent and alone, in the din of a machine, sweat and materials dust, is an inspiration that pushes me to emerge the beauty of  artwork and a materials I am convinced that the smell of material around and beauty of the material blocks of the   would be the best inspiration to complete my work.
 Tran Hoang Co   sculptor from vietnam
Patenschaft übernommen durch Gewerbeverein Unterbäch